All Weather Signage for Campaigns
You hate to love them, but Street Signs get scene, are easy to read and cost friendly to install.

Street Signs might be one of the oldest campaign mediums dating back to hand painting and then to screen printing. However, digital printing has replaced screen presses as the go-to time saver and cost reducer.
Low Cost Name Recognition
Good Signs Motivate Volunteers
Can Influence 1-2 Percentage Points
What Size Is Best?
Convergent Print Group has decades of experience producing outdoor graphics for small, large and REALLY large campaigns. Our army of digital flatbed presses provide clients fast and affordable results for any campaign size. Colors match from the first to the 1,00th print and if you need a re-order, we have the color profile on hand so all versions match.
While there is no best size or one size fits all; some of the most popular sizes for campaign sizes are below, but we can also produce a variety of custom sizes based on your needs.
24 x 36 Corrugated Plastic
24 x 48 Corrugated Plastic
32 x 48 Corrugated Plastic
4 X 4 Corrugated Plastic
4 x 8 Corrugated Plastic
Popular Sign Accessories: Sign Holders, Frames, Stakes and Posts for Corrugated Signs
Keep the message simple for drivers to absorb the message and remember it when they reach the polls. If too much is added to the sign, either part of the message is missed or it’s simply forgotten.

Flexible Technology For Your ROI
With daily review of our technology, we are able to make efficiency changes as needed so our clients get the best service and pricing possible.
Signs to Wrap, We Do It All.
We have the technology in place to take your campaign graphic needs to bulletins, bus sides, street furniture and so much more.